Is Google scared?
Seems so...
The co-founder of YouTube, Chad Hurley, announced on Saturday that YouTube is going start sharing ad revenue with its users.
Doesn't this sound a little familiar? Let me think... Where have I heard of a similar concept? Hmm... Think... Think...
Oh Yeah... HERE!
It seems that AGLOCO's predictions are correct. AGLOCO promised to change the internet forever, the Viewbar hasn't been released yet and already we can see the results:
So what now? Register, wait(or better recruit new members) and see.
But that's not all: YouTube will share its revenue only with users who post videos, but only users whose videos gain popularity will earn something. So don't rush registering in YouTube.
Oh... And I predict a rise in copywriting problems. Probably most of the users that'll ask for a payment will be banned because of illegal usage of copywrited materials.
You can read more about it here:,CST-NWS-youtube28.article
haha I like this post Google is running scared well even though Chad no longer owns YouTube he might still have some influence over them I'm not sure but don't forget that Microsoft was running in the same direction before YouTube did lol.
Keep up the good work.
Adam From Agloco Hype
Microsoft was heading the same way? do you mean the Gates' comment on Agloco?
I'm not sure... I read somewhere that Gates said that users should be paid when he commented on Google Adsense.
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