Sunday, May 13, 2007

Will Agloco start some day?

I'm already starting to doubt in Agloco teams ability to deal with the scale of this.
Either the programming team is weak(although not as weak as Microsoft's). Or they can't deal with the scale of Agloco. It is A Global Community, isn't it.
I think they also might have problems with customer support or promotion.
I mean. They need to deal with tens if not hundreds of advertising agencies. It's not as easy as you think. But Agloco's management should have been able to predict this!

Actually maybe they should have started small. With no Multi Level Marketing. With no promises to pay money. Just programming a toolbar, updating it and providing a service with the toolbar. Like for example spam blocking. Or social bookmarking. Those things aren't too hard to program.
Yes, money is a motivator, but when you pay money for nothing and don't even have nothing to show to your members... Just promises. Until now empty promises(Will this change?). Why do you expect anything more than skepticism?

Yes, the idea is great. Pay money to the people who buy things etc. But why not just provide massive discounts? That is one thing what Agloco is promised to do. This is a service on its own. It could be even more popular than Youtube.

I see 3 problems with Agloco's business strategy.

1)Aiming for big scale, but not handling it.

I mean if they create a Global Community, they have to be able to satisfy the communities needs. And what the community needs? A toolbar. Why not start with just a pop-up blocker toolbar so people would have some use from it. And have a small untargeted ads displayed on it. You will already earn something.

2)Everything at once.

If you have a great plan and this plan includes many people then you have to start small. Like I said you have to have something to show to the users. Not just promises. Okay, maybe the team wants to start everything with a big bang. But it's already too late. Promises, promises, promises. For several months now. Where is the toolbar? Where is the money? I don't believe that it is so hard to display some ads in a pop-up blocker type of toolbar. Of course it's not targeted advertising, but something is better than nothing.

3)Quantity is bad for quality

Yes, a swiss knife is cooler than ordinary knife, scissors and a magnifying glass, but is it better? Definitely no. They are smaller and do a weaker job.
It is harder to invent twenty different things at a time and make them perfect. Why not a thing at a time and then maybe combine them if it makes sense. Or maybe it is better to separate some of them, but some should go together?

If any of Agloco team members is reading this right now. Think about those things. Nothing is perfect and if you will delay the release of it until it is... well... Maybe you wont release it ever?

Good luck.

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