Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Google Story and an Interview

Hey... It has been some time since my last post. I did a trip to Finland... my plane back was late because of the bad weather... and when I finally got on the plane... there were few moments where I thought: "This is it! I'm too young to die... I'm not rich yet... I won't see Agloco in action..."

But luckily I'm alive.

In the airport I bought a book called "The Google Story". I've just started reading... but so far it's been very interesting.
Google founders are Stanford graduates... just like founders of AltaVista(which had a chance of buying Google in it's early years), Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems(Sun stands for Stanford University Network) and many others.

Maybe you already know that the founders of Agloco are also Stanford graduates(just like 8 other members of the development team). For me this gives even more trust in them.
Do you think you would be rich by now if you had invested even a small amount of money into the idea of the two "Google Guys" seven years ago?

I know I'd be... But enough of my talk... Let's hear what the founders have to say:


Anonymous said...

I have recently heard about this book too. I will look forward to reading more of your comments about it. Let's hope in a mere seven years someone is writing such a tome about the unparallelled rise of AGLOCO!

Oleg said...

Let's hope:)