Sunday, January 21, 2007

Why You Earn... Or Don't

“I wanna hang a map of the world in my house. Then I’m gonna put pins into all the locations that I’ve traveled to. But first, I’m gonna have to travel to the top two corners of the map so it won’t fall down.
Mitch Hedberg

Why did I put this Quote here? Well. Think of it.

You can have a map(Agloco) but how are You going to earn... If you can't get pins because the map falls down? 

What I mean is...

You have to get atleast 5 people to sign up under you. And those 5 people can't be regular folks... They have to be able, to hold up the map.

Those are the ones who will generate all the other pins. Smaller, weaker, but many of them.
They are the base for Your earnings. You have to take time to get them. But once You have them, You are guaranteed to have success.

There are certain characteristics to them:
1)They have many friends and make friends easily.
2)They are passionate about what they do.
3)They don't take rejection personally.

Why you should start finding those people right away? Because:

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X

It's going to be very hard to find unregistered users when the money starts to be paid out. So work hard until the release of the Viewbar. Then relax and enjoy:)


Anonymous said...

Nice analogy with the pens. I can't believe some of the stories I've seen in which people have thousands of extended referrals from just a about a hundred directs. My directs apparently are not that motivated!

Oleg said...

I have one extended referral who I get the most people in my network. About 70% came from him.
Too bad I don't know many people like that.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

I am setting up a whole network of localized sites for Agloco! is the crown website of a network of local AGLOCO websites in Europe. On the page you can find a Help Center with guides, hints and tips to build your own AGLOCO referral network. All the content is then translated and posted on local AGLOCO sites!

At the moment we have this local sites:

...and are preparing many more!

There is also a global forum with local sub-forums available on

Go Agloco!!! :)

ps: If you'd like to have your localized AGLOCO site, contact me on