Saturday, January 20, 2007

Why you should refer people?

If you already joined Agloco (hopefully under my link), then you probably believe in this company or think that you have nothing to lose. Well... Great. But if you have nothing to lose... Then why not to promote it a little bit?

I don't believe you if you say that you haven't 5 minutes a day to explain a friend how Agloco works and why they should join. Think about it. If you refer just one person a day... for a month you have 30 direct referrals.

If each of those referrals... refer even 1 friend... you have 60 people in your network. If those refer the same amount you have 90... next 120... then 150.

But guess what... I have only 10 direct referrals. And 142 extended. So can you imagine if one of your friends turns out to be a great salesman... or have tons of friends?

The average amount of people referred by one person is estimated to be 3. It's on average which means that: For example... Out of five...
One won't refer at all.
Two will refer each 2 people.
One will refer 3 people.
And one will refer 8.
(2+3+10) : 5 = 3

Now let's do some real math.
Referrals go down to 5 levels... Direct plus 4 levels of extended.
You refer one person per month: 1+1+1+... =30
Then your direct referrals refer each 3 people. 30 x 3= 90 Plus you directs: 90 + 30 =120
Then those people refer each 3 people, plus those you already had: 120 x 3 = 360 ...+ 120= 480
Those refer 3 each... plus the ones we already had: 480 x 3 = 1440 ...+ 480 = 1920
And... 1920 x 3 = 5760 ...+ 1920 = 7680

Okay... Of course it depends on your referrals ability to convince people what a great opportunity it is.

But you should hurry: Because who's first... earns first and what's more important... earns the most.

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